The MSU College of Law Digital Commons is currently under maintenance and is unavailable. Links to completed articles from Volumes 2020–2023 are below. If you are looking for an article from a different volume, please email

Issue 2020.1

Visionary Article

The Incomparable Chief Justiceship of William Howard Taft
Robert Post


Cooperative Principles and Fair Labor Standards: Volunteering for Food Co-Ops
Ariana R. Levinson & Chad Eisenback

What Problem? A Response to How Cities Fail: Service Delivery Insolvency and Municipal Bankruptcy
Anne Lawton


Selecting the Right Vehicle: Is a Civil Rights Claim Under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 the Right Way to Remedy a Contracts Clause Violation?
Shane Anderson

Issue 2020.2


Artificial Intelligence, Due Process, and Criminal Sentencing
John Villasenor & Virginia Foggo

Tanya Asim Cooper

Looking for a Life Raft: Citizen Voice and Votes of No Confidence
Mae Kuykendall


Direct Shipping for Michigan Beer? Wine Not
Mitchell Zolton

Challenging Land Contracting on the Basis of Disparate Impact After Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.: A Viable Option or a Dead End?
Allison N. Kruschke

Issue 2020.3


U.S. Trade Infallibility and the Crisis of the World Trade Organization
Daniel C.K. Chow

The Protean Concept of Materiality in Contract Law
Brian A. Blum

The Systems Approach to Teaching Business Associations
Lynn M. LoPucki & Andrew Verstein

Contract as Voluntary Commutative Justice
James Gordley & Hao Jiang

Compare This: How Employers Use Comparator Evidence to Defeat Employment Discrimination Claims
Marc Chase McAllister


In Fast-Fashion, One Day You’re In, and the Next Day You’re Out: A Solution to the Fashion Industry’s Intellectual Property Issues Outside of Intellectual Property Law
Kristin Sutor

Issue 2020.4


Two First Amendment Futures: Consumer Privacy Law and the Deregulatory First Amendment
Shaun B. Spencer

Incivility as Identity
Melissa Mortazavi

Rethinking Segregation
Paul Boudreaux

The Private Option
Brendan S. Maher


Cut It Out, America: Does the Shrinking Eligibility of Asylum for Private Actions Pull Back on Female Genital Mutilation Asylum Rights?
McKenzie Stone

From Banking to Data Breaches: Ensuring Financial Institution Accountability with Public and Private Oversight
Thomas Goers

Issue 2020.5

Symposium Articles

Law Search in the Age of the Algorithm
Michael A Livermore, Peter Beling, Keith Carlson, Faraz Dadgostari, Mauricio Guim & Daniel N. Rockmore

Technologies of Language Meet Ideology of Law
Anya Bernstein

Split Decisions: Practical Machine Learning for Empirical Legal Scholarship
James Ming Chen

Principles of Political Economy and the Taxation of Nations: Econometric and Machine-Learning Evaluation of Tariffs
James Ming Chen, Thomas Poufinas, Charalampos Agriopoulos & George Galanos

Nothing Under the Sun That Is Made of Man
Andrew W. Torrance

Issue 2021.1

Visionary Article

Good Faith as Contract’s Core Value
Daniel Markovits


Piketty Revisited: The Meaning of Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Edward J. McCaffery

Cooperative Ownership and the Fair Labor Standards Act
Ariana R. Levinson & Chad Eisenback

Therapeutic Discipline: Drug Courts, Foucalt, and the Power of the Normalizing Gaze
Michael D. Sousa

Circumventing the Crime Victims’ Rights Act: A Critical Analysis of the Eleventh Circuit’s Decision Upholding Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Non-Prosecution Agreement
Paul G. Cassell, Bradley J. Edwards & Jordan Peck

Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence and Transgender Inmates: The “WPATH” to Evolving Standards of Decency
Bryce T. Daniels


The IRS Can Show Cryptocurrency Holders That Money Talks Through Updated Guidance and Conditional Forgiveness
Kyle Lydy

Issue 2021.2


Hidden Trade-Offs in Insurance Wellness Programs
Anya E.R. Prince

Patenting Fast and Slow: Examiner Rejections and Applicant Traversals to Nonprior Art Rejections
Shine Sean Tu

Exploring College Sports in the Time of COVID-19: A Legal, Medical, and Ethical Analysis
Marc Edelman, Thomas A. Baker III, John T. Holden & Dr. Andrew Shuman

Pandemics, Quarantines, Utility, and Dignity
Jens David Ohlin

Artificial Intelligence, LLC: Corporate Personhood as Tort Reform
Alicia Lai


Old Law, New Solution: Bottling Water in the Great Lakes States
Rachel Westmaas

Issue 2021.3


The Daubert Double Standard
Michael D. Cicchini

Weaponizing Proof of Harm in First Amendment Cases: When Scientific Evidence and Deference to the Views of Professional Associations Collide in the Battle Against Conversion Therapy
Clay Calvert

Summoning a New Artificial Intelligence Patent Model: In the Age of Crisis
Schlomit Yanisky-Ravid & Regina Jin

Look Up and Smile for Daddy Warbucks’s Surveillance Plane: Reforming the Standard for Determining When a Private Search Constitutes Government Action, and Why It’s Needed to Meet the Growing Fourth Amendment Problem of Privatized Surveillance
Lucias T. Outlaw III


A Service or Not a Service–Is That the Question?: Plasma Donation Centers and the “Other Service Establishment” Catchall Under Section 12181(7)(F) of the Americans With Disabilities Act
Andrew Hereza

Issue 2021.4


The Species of Origin
Max Stul Oppenheimer

Getting the Dream Team on the Ballot: The Legality of Bipartisan Gubernatorial Tickets
T. Quinn Yeargain

USDA’s Oversight Over National Check-Off Boards: What Check Do National Check-Off Boards Need?
Ashley Nicole Wilde

Fraudulent Transfers as a Tort David Gray Carlson


A Victim’s Plea for a Fair Justice System: Providing Proper Disclosure Requirements Before Guilty Pleas
Juliana Sousou

Redefining Physical Restraint to Ensure Consistency in Its Application as a Federal Sentence Enhancement
Tyler Kitzmiller

Issue 2021.5


Racialized Bankruptcy Federalism
Rafael I. Pardo

Contextual Benefits of a Neutral Principles Approach to Religious Property Disputes
Frank S. Ravitch

The Feminist Movement’s State Action Doctrine
Elizabeth Sepper

Passive Takings in Action
Christopher Serkin

Erasing the Thin Blue Line: An Indigenous Proposal
Matthew L.M. Fletcher

Without Religion, W(h)ither Family Law?
Anita Bernstein

Issue 2022.1


The Truman Show: The Fraudulent Origins of the Former Presidents Act
Paul Campos

Geographic Income Tax Marriage Equality: A Proposal to Expand the Double Basis Step-Up
Daniel J. Durst

Non-Competes and Other Contracts of Dispossession
Sandeep Vaheesan & Matthew Jinoo Buck

Contextualizing (Children’s) Immigration Law, History, Theory and Politics
Shani M. King


Inevitable or Avoidable? How the Illegal Wildlife Trade is Facilitating the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases and How the Next Pandemic Can Be Avoided
Lauren Legner

Issue 2022.2


Fitting China–US Trade into WTO Trade Law–National Security and Non-Violation Mechanisms
Justin Hughes

Why Words?
Akhil Reed Amar

Courts in Conversation
Thomas P. Schmidt

Does Constitutional Law Have a Future?
Caitlin B. Tully

Hidden Killers and Imagined Saints: Why Courts Fail to Identify Unconstitutional Jurors in Death Penalty Cases
Eric R. Carpenter


The Evolving Standards of Decency: Transgender Prisoners’ Right to Adequate Medical Care in the Prison System
Carly Cruickshank

Issue 2022.3


The Dangerous Independent State Legislature Theory
Jason Marisam

The Challenges of 21st Century Transboundary Water Management and the Limits of International Water Law
Isabelle Blacketer, Fiona Luu, & Paul Babie

Rejecting Test Surveillance in Higher Education
Lindsey Barrett


It’s Time For CRISPR Genetically Modified Food Labeling
Emily King

Issue 2022.4


ESG: The 5th Element Of Corporate Risk Assessment
Michael J. Kelly

Bostock’s Impact on Sex-Differentiated Employee Appearance Standards
Marc Chase McAllister

A Judge Never Writes More Freely: A Separate-Opinions Citation-Network Approach to Assessing Judicial Ideology
Joseph Scott Miller


Your Law is Due for an Update: Why Congress Should Update the Telephone Consumer Protection Act to Curb the Rise of Robotexts
Connor Hoffman

Issue 2022.5


Sequential Uses of Copyrighted Materials: Transforming Transformative use Doctrine in Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith Richard A. Epstein

Three Portraits of Sarony
Alfred C. Yen

The Best Comes Later: Copyright, Career Professionals, and Creative Achievement
Sean A. Pager & Sunawer Aujla

Statutory Damages Under the Copyright Act: An Empirical Study
Benjamin K. Brady, Roy Germano & Christopher Jon Sprigman

Issue 2023.1


Novelty Traps, Kiwis, and other Flightless Birds
Daniel Benoliel & Michael Gishboliner

Is Criminal Law Unlawful?
Paul Gowder

An Empirical Constitutional Crisis: When Magistrate Judges Exercise De Facto Article III Power.
Edward S. Adams, Edward R. Adams, & William C. Price Jr.


The Child That No State Wants: Challenging Juvenile Sex Offender Regulations as a Violation of the Right to Travel
Nikolas Spilson

Issue 2023.2


Decentralized Global Legal Ordering

Shahala F. Ali

Principia Bibliometrica: Modeling Citation and Download Data in Legal Scholarship

James Ming Chen

Who Watches the Watchmen? Using the Law Governing Lawyers to Identify the Applicant Duty Gap and Hold Bar Examiner Gatekeepers Accountable

Ashley M. London


SPACS: Sponsor Compensation, Redemption Rights, and Congressional Oversight

J. Clayton Burnheimer

Issue 2023.3


Cops or Coaches? The Statutory Role of Juvenile Probation Officers in a Transformative Age

Justin Iverson & David S. Tanenhaus

Democracy and Trust: The Troubling Role of Education in Misinformation Belief

Edward Lee & Andrew Moshirnia

When Should Clients Call the Shots? Examining Attorney-Client Relationship After McCoy v. Louisiana

Chad Flanders


Copyright in the Age of NFTs and Digital Art

Jari Wilson

Issue 2023.4

Visionary Scholar Article

Original Public Meaning

Lawrence B. Solum


Legislative Gifts

Daniel J. Croxall

The Modern Militia

Robert Leider


Learning from Past Mistakes: How Legislatures Should Model a Proposed Future Mass Expungement for Marijuana Convictions

Sam Weiser

Issue 2023.5

2023 Symposium on Insider Trading


Rethinking Disclosure Obligations in Securities Regulations: Why Less is (Much) More

Richard A. Epstein

Safe Harbors in the Shadows: Extending 10b5-1 Plans to Cover Shadow Trading

Karen E. Woody & M. Cole Davidson

Special Norms and Insider Trading

Jonathan R. Macey

Civil Insider Trading in Personal Networks

Joan Macleod Heminway

Issue 2024.1


Crypto-Trading Platforms as Exchanges

Marco Dell’Erba

The Property-Tax Bundle of Rights

Edward J. McCaffery

The Collateral Consequences of School Disciplinary Records

Eve Rips


Beyond the Black Box: The Case for a Prize System to Encourage Artificial Intelligence Innovation

Tyler Whittemore

Issue 2024.2


Future-Proofing Transparency: Re-Thinking Public Records Governance for the Age of Big Data

Beatriz Botero Arcila

The Operational Paradox of Centralized Artificial Intelligence Regulation

Matthew R. Gaske

Too Accurate AI

Aileen Nielsen


Indie Authors’ Battle Against Piracy on Digital Publishing Platforms: An Endless Game of Whac-A-Mole

Cassie O’Hagan